
6K活得有意思 @ Health.Food. Recipe Name: Salàd à la Thoúsand Island!

Wanna lose weight? or just wanna keep fit? Or just want to find something to cook or eat as snacks the healthy way? Here's the perfect recipe! Okay, this is REÄL healthy... if you wanna eat it pure, don't add the thousand island sauce. )

Stuff that you need: Grater ( the brown thing ), Cucumber ( Japanese will be better ), Knife, Plates and last but not least, a Tomato.

Just Look at those veggies! Mmm...

1st Step: Slice the cucumber sluntly, like on the picture, ( in order to make it into strips...)

2nd Step: Stack some cucumber slices and slice them once again into strips...( As on the pic. )

Okay, remember the first step, don't cut all the cucumber down first!! Leave 1/3 of the cucumber and grate it! ( you can skip this step you're a REAL cucumber fan, this step is to mix the grated cucumber and add it into the sauce so it won't taste much " Cucumber-ish "
And leave the rest of the cucumber to cut into anyway you like!
Now the tomato! Don't they look gorgeous?! Dig out their hearts if you don't like to eat them...and cut it into anyway you like!
Decor! Mmmm! Don't you just like the decor I did on it? You could eat straightly if you don't like the sauce and you din't grate them...Dont forget to mix it...( It's too nice to mix them...lolx!! )
Remember the cucumber we grated earlier? Filter them to remove the juice inside them ( you can drink them if you want to, it's sweet! )
And at last! Squezz the thousand island sauce around it!! and pour the grated cucumber down...
AND OH! BTW, I named this salad... The Sacred Lotus! ROFL!

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